In the Marines there is term used for small units in infantry, one such term is "fireteam", usually consisting of 4 or fewer Marines. This is for easy maneuver and accountability during missions, specifically in urban surroundings....
I am proud to announce that my "fireteam" of Ruiz females is finally complete: Mama Ruiz, Lizzie Ruiz, Bella Ruiz, and Baby Girl Ruiz (I'm having so much fun with names, there are so many possibilities....) I'm so excited about this....I love girls!!!

Michael and I and the girls went to the doctors' to have my 5 month check-up and ultrasound. Before that time, Lizzie had been referring to the baby as, "baby brother/sister baby", this is due to the fact that we didn't know what we were having. Well on Wednesday, the technician confirmed to us that we are in fact having another girl. I am not particular in what the sex of the baby is. I, however, for the sake of Mike, did kind of hope for a know how men are, they want there names to be passed on...I am happy either way...I could have a houseful of women!! I don't know about Mike though...LOL!! He was and is happy. When he realized that we weren't going to have to buy anything (like clothes) for this baby, he even perked up more!!...his girls mean the world to him, and they have him wrapped around their fingers...:)
I am just so excited and I can't wait to meet her. I pray God makes her a perfect miracle...Lizzie is so excited to be the big sister again...and Bella has become obsessed with babies...everywhere we go if there is a baby, she says loudly, "baby" and points...Lizzie was like that at her age too...the Lord willing, I want to have 5 children, this of course is my ideal number, I'm sure after number 3, this may not be the realistic number, we just have to wait and see...but for now we still have at least 2 more tries to get a son for Michael....
Congratulations on another sweet daughter!