At three years of age, you are fascinated with fury creatures. You enjoy "reading" books about all kinds of animals, you are always telling me that you want to go to the zoo. Curious George is your favorite cartoon. You have some how picked up some of his bad habits when I caught you crossing your arms and giving a pouty face like him....we'll have to watch out for that cartoon!!
Dogs in particular are your favorite. You like to crawl around the house on all fours, barking and licking. You tell me, "Momma say, doggie don't bark," or to give you some such command. You have an English Setter stuffed animal that you like to sleep with. You tie belts and ribbons around his neck and make your own collars for him. This morning, you were sitting at the breakfast counter and I noticed that with the help of your hand, you had your your leg up at your face with your foot and toe rubbing your cheek. I asked you what you were doing and you told me, " Momma, this is how doggies scratch..."
My crazy, wonderful, little Bella! You bring smiles to this momma's face. I love you!