So we finally decided on a name for this little wonder growing inside me. I was also able to finish the personalized wall art for her. I of course came across this idea while pinning. Here are some pictures of the project.
First, you can see that all I did was find vintage wall paper patterns online and made heart cut outs from them. I used a thick linen grade paper, which made the patterns come out really great and detailed.
Some close-ups of the patterns I chose.
I found this frame at the thrift store, it was perfect.
I glued the hearts down on a white background I just painted. Then I sprayed it with some top coat to seal it.
Here is the heart I designated for our baby 3's name. As you can tell this project sat undone for some time because Michael and I were not wholly sold on a name.
Missing final heart.
Hanging in the nursery, finished with name, I tediously cut out the name using an exacto knife and tiny scissors from Word, the font was like 95, of course in the style of french script. A fairly easy project and not expensive, this will add the perfect touch to her nursery...
And she will be called.....
Madeleine Nicole Ruiz, we are anticipating your arrival!